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![]() ![]() MOVIMIENTO MADERA II- Todas las enfermedades Oftalmológicas tienen que ver con el hígado - Ojos cetrinos, oscuros, mal EL hígado Shiatsu ojo, para la vista - 2Vejiga - 23 Triple calentador - 1 Estomago - Reborde óseo del ojo, el orvital - Dispersión del centro de la frente hacia los lateral, eliminar viento de la cabeza (con agilidad, rapidillo) para la migraña yang 7.- Clima asociadoSimboliza el crecimiento de todo lo representado en la naturaleza, y está asociado a la Primavera, es algo que va hacia arriba que asciende, está expansión de la naturaleza aunque no es tan yan como el fuego y esta asociado al viento, es un clima muy activo mueve muchas cosas nos yangida; altera severamente el sistema nervioso lo yangiza. La primavera es la época de vesícula y hígado, es la época donde podemos tener: - Nauseas - Vómitos - Dolor de hígado - Dolor de vesícula - Dolor de cabeza Clima asociado: Es el viento, es un clima yang, si nos exponemos a un clima ventoso, aumentamos el yang de hígado y vesícula. Condición Yang Las personas que ya tienen una condición yang de este elemento empeoran con el viento, por ejemplo las migrañas, normalmente esta migraña afecta al meridiano de vesícula biliar de la cara, a veces esta migraña esta asociada a nauseas y vómitos, siempre que esta asociada la vesícula en una patología hay nauseas y vómitos, sabor amargo. Las personas con enfermedades del sistema nervioso en zonas de mucho viento se enfadan mucho mas, pierden el control mas frecuente. En la zonas mas vetosas, hay el índice de suicidios, de enfermedades mentales y de alcoholismo mas elevado. Condición Inn Las personas con condición Inn de este elemento, mejoran con el viento, por ejemplo con el viento me siento mas dinámico mas ganas de hacer ejercicio, estoy menos depresivo, me anima, determinados dolores de cabeza sordos y pesados y constante que mejoran con el viento. 8.- Como estimulamos el yang del Hígado:- Comer ácido, estimula la Vesícula biliar, activa a la madera, hace segregar bilis, limón, vinagre,- El dulce es lo peor para la miopía, se debe comer menos dulce. - La sal al ser un tonificante del agua y al ser la madre d la madera, si se tonifica el agua tonifica la madera, y por lo tanto la fruta , el agua, alimentos Inn de agua no son muy apropiados para ayudar a tonificar el hígado. - Dar un giro yang a la madera y al agua 9.- Que perturba al hígado.- Comer demasiado. No debemos levantarnos de la masa a tope, sino que debemos quedarnos con un 20% de hambre, grandes comidas- Las grasas - Las ensaladas no son buenas para el hígado. - Los horneados - Estrés - Exceso de responsabilidades - Comidas grasas - Disgustos - El exceso de responsabilidad da patología en el hígado si el cuerpo no esta preparado para asumir dichas responsabilidades - Frituras - Grandes enemigos de la VB los estimulantes, nata, café chocolate, estrés, - Salsas - Alcohol 10.- AlimentaciónAlimentos que curan este elemento:- Verduras de hoja verde de primavera: clorofila depura la sangre igual que las espinacas, berros acelgas alcachofas, ortigas diente de león, rucula, hinojo. - Ayuno es lo que mejor les sienta a estos órganos. - El sabor es el ácido, es un gran activador de este elemento. Vuelve activo la vesícula, limpia la vesícula. El ácido más curativo es el de la ciruela humevoxi, es una medicina para el hígado y vesícula, son frutas fermentadas con sal marina. Como se toma: introduciéndolo en la cocina como un condimento mas, o como medicina en ayunas. Vinagre de manzana. Pasarnos de ácido para las vías biliares. - El producto animal que activa estas vías es el pato, por ser el ave más equilibrada. El pollo, pavo. No es conveniente comer carne de ave o activar las vías biliares cuando se debe estar quieto en un lugar, debido a que tendremos demasiada actividad, en cambio para realizar una actividad física si. El pollo a la ave da yang a este elemento. - Cuando el elemento esta enfermo quiere hervidos, ya sea carne verduras etc... - Cereales: el trigo cura este elemento. Cuscus ,burbul (trigo árabe), cebada es el mas refrescante, sémola de trigo sobretodo cuando la vesícula esta enferma en esta situación la vesícula quiere hervidos. Avena. - Pasta. - Muesli La dieta del hígado es verdura hervida, horno, ya sea verdura o otros, cereales fáciles de digerir como cuscus, sémola, polenta, avena, no arroz integral ( es muy difícil de digerir). En el caso de tener mal la vesícula es bueno un plato de arroz con cebolla zanahoria, todo caldoso, y hervido, puré de verdura, alcachofas, acelgas, pescado a la plancha, pechuga a la plancha, cuscus. La proteína de saja es muy buena para el hígado, es una proteína inn, la proteína vegetal (tofu, seitán, tempe, proteina de soja) dan inn al hígado. 11.-Patologías asociadasProblemas circulatorios en verano, debido a que si el hígado tiene que depurar mas la sangre no habrá fuerza suficiente para dar impulso a la circulación.En un cuadro de migraña aguda tengo el elemento madera yang, en este momento no es bueno tratarlo esta demasiado yang, es mejor esperar a que baje un poco, la persona esta demasiada intolerante, a todo la luz a lo que se le dice, un ataque de migraña es una ataque de ira somatizado. Enfermedades de viento.Enfermedades que aparecen de repente con una fuerza insospechada, sorprenden. Se llaman así porque tienen su causa en un exceso de yang de hígado y VB, por lo que las personas con condición yang de este elemento son propensos a padecer dichas enfermedades.Ejemplo: - parálisis facial ( golpe de viento) - Sinusitis - Alergias - Herpes zoster - Ciática: el dolor va y viene, se mueve - Tortícolis - Embolias meningitis - Enfermedades violentas - Infecciones: conjuntivitis - soriasis Las enfermedades de viento aparecen y desaparecen, suben y bajan, se mueven por el cuerpo y se meten por todos los rincones. Todo esto el paciente lo lleva con intolerancia, el hígado esta demasiado yang y esto ha ocasionado un ataque interno de viento. Cualquier emoción, ira etc... podría provocar una subida de viento, con un rebrote de la patología En la primavera estamos mas expuestos a sufrir este tipo de desequilibrios. Para estas patologías daremos Inn al hígado y a la VB le quitaremos yang. 12.- El colorEl color verde seda la madera, equilibra,13.- Sabor asociadoEl ácidoFUNCIONES DE VB VESICULA BILIAR
*Rige el drenaje y la dispersión del Ki. Regulador del Ki *Regula el Ki en todo el organismo, su circulación y equilibrio en sus movimientos de ascenso y descenso, exteriorización e interiorización. *Indispensable para regular los movimientos de Ki en la sangre, evita estancamientos y regula los vasos. *Permite el metabolismo de los líquidos orgánicos, el drenaje de la humedad. Regula la flema transformándola. Apertura y regulación de pasajes de agua. *Asegura la regularidad de los meridianos : VC, VG *Expele el Viento *Reduce el Calor *Armoniza el diafragma, libera rigidez torácica, beneficia región axilar. Útil en asma e hiperactividad bronquial. *Beneficia las mamas *Útil en exceso de consumo de alcohol *Alivia el vómito y distensión abdominal. Regulador intestinal *Analgesia craneofacial * Constricción de garganta ( nudo) *Calma el espíritu . *Situaciones mentales como: miedo, depresión, pánico, delirio. *Transforma la flema. *Clarifica y drena la VB e H *Fortalece la Voluntad *Clarifica los órganos de los sentidos *Manejo de cansancio y adelgazamiento *Disipador de Nódulos *Facilita el trabajo de parto y nacimiento *Beneficia piernas y caderas, edemas, atrofias musculares . *Dispersa Vientos Húmedos. *Relaja tendones *Armoniza el Shaoyang SÍNTOMAS RELEVANTES DE IMBALANCE
Labilidad al Viento y FríoFiebre, especialmente fiebres secas o sin sudor Trastornos oculares, dificultades visuales, prurito en párpado y borde de pestañas Parálisis facial, Neuralgia facial, Herpes Zoster Función lacrimal: lacrimación fácil y especialmente bajo exposición al Viento. Dolor craneofacial, incluyendo odontalgias. Edema de mejillas. Fenómenos auditivos tales como: sordera, tínitus, acúfenos, vértigo. Congestión nasal, epistaxis. Vómito, gastritis, ictericia, reflujo gastroesofágico, diarreas, borborigmos. Epilepsia. Insomnio. Dolores en la encías, desviaciones de los ojos y la boca Algias de hombro, nuca y muñeca Contractura de extremidades, Ciática. Boca amarga, rigidez lingual Resequedad dérmica, urticaria, eccemas. Agitación y calor en manos y pies Orina oscura, cistitis Hipertensión Dolor de espalda, dolor de rodillas. Hemiplejía, parálisis de miembros inferiores Sangrado uterino, leucorrea, prolapso uterino, endometriosis, amenorrea. Lactación insuficiente, mastitis. Orquitis, condiciones inguinales, congestión escrotal. COMENTARIOS En su gran recorrido, gran beneficio. De gran utilidad en situaciones sicosomáticas donde las flemas o emociones quietas y corruptas hacen daño y deben salir. El cuerpo las manifiesta con dolor, inquietud, miopía espiritual. FORMAS DE BALANCE Y RESPETO A SU FUNCION: HERBOLOGIA Diente de león MENTAL Y EMOCIONAL Cultivar la confianza, VISION COMPASIVA. Flexibilidad ALIMENTOS: Evitar consumo de grasas de tipo animal junto con bebidas frías, mucho mejor hacerlo con bebidas calientes como lo hacen los orientales. Barley (alimento natural, usado en macrobiótica frecuentemente) Gotas de limón y agua en la mañanas. Lima y Toronja, muy recomendadas Verduras como alcachofa y rúgula, borraja, ALIMENTOS FRESCOS, LIMITAR CARNICOS, MENOS GRASAS, abstenerse de berenjenas y alimentos quemados EXTRACTOS RECOMENDADOS ANIS CALENDULA SANGRE DE DRAGO, CARGAROCIO, CASCO DE VACA, CEBADA, AJO, ALBAHACA, AMANSATOROS, APIO, ARAYAN, CHISACA, CHAPARRO, CIDRON, CORDONCILLO,GUARANA, GUAYABO, HINOJO, LIMONCILLO, MANZANILLA, MEJORANA, PEREJIL, ROMASA, RASETE, RUIBARBO, SABILA, SAUCE HOJAS, SALVIA, TORONJIL, VALERIANA, VERBENA, YERBABUENA. SIGNOS MENTALES Y EMOCIONALES DE HIGADO Y VB armoniosos: Benevolencia y amabilidad, resistencia a las frustraciones y demandas internas y externas. Resitencia a los cambio climáticos Buen sistema de defensa Buenas mucosas, resistentes. Agudeza visual satisfactoria Buen manejo de inflamaciones Manejo adecuado del enojo BUENA MEMORIA ![]() Acupuncture Treatment of Migraines using Liver and Gall Bladder Points a clinical study of 207 cases. From The Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Vol. 43, No. 8; Aug. 2002 Translated by Jennifer Brown The authors studied liver yang rising patterns and found that migraines from liver yang upwardly harassing, liver depression blood stasis, and liver depression with spleen deficiency were the models most often seen. From 1997 to the present 207 cases of migraines were treated using liver and gall bladder channel shu points with good effect. Clinical Data The diagnosis criteria was as follows: 1) Reoccurring headaches, each flare being similar in nature, with es everything normal between flares; 2) Flares may or may not be accompanied by precursor signs and symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, double vision or mild paralysis; 3) Headaches are mostly frontal, temporal or behind the eyes and typically were one sided, very few individuals had both sides with throbbing or stabbing pain; 4) Headaches continued for 4-12 hours. All participants were ruled out for hypertension, cerebral vascular disease and other organic diseases. The acupuncture group consisted of 207 cases, 69 males, 38 females; ages 18-65, the average being 31.24 years, with a disease course between 3 months and 37 years, the average being 13.26 years. The western medicine group consisted of 61 cases, 21 males, 40 females; ages 19-63, the average age 30.82; with the disease course between 2 months to 35 years, the average being 12.28 years. The control group consisted of 30 cases, 11 males, 19 females, with the age and sex equal to the treatment groups. Treatment Method The acupuncture group was treated with four courses of electro stimulation. Each course consisted of a single treatment every day for six days, followed by a day of rest. The treatments alternated between high(40Hz) and low(20Hz) frequency at 15 second intervals. Needles were retained for 30 minutes on the following points; tai chong(LR 3), xing jian(LR 2), feng chi(GB 20), yang ling quan(GB 34). Treatment Outcome Obvious effect dictated that the signs and symptoms rapidly resoled without relapse after one year. Some effect dictated that the signs and symptoms were alleviated but patient had not fully recovered. No effect dictated no change in signs and symptoms. The acupuncture group had an effect rate of 94.7%, with an obvious effect rate of 80.61%. The control group differed with 75.4% and 57.38% respectively. Discussion According to Chinese Medicine, migraines are caused by externally contracted evils that upwardly harass, obstructing the clear yang or from unregulated food and drink, this internal injury causes disease, disrupting the harmony of the zang fu, qi and blood then rebel, causing stasis and obstruction in the channels and the collaterals, the head pain is caused by the brain not being nourished. If the qi mechanism is not harmonious and blood channels are stagnant and obstructed then treatment should course the liver and rectify qi as well as move the blood to stop the pain. If the pattern is deficiency and excess mixed, such as liver depression and spleen deficiency then treatment should course the liver fortify the spleen, regulate qi and move the blood. Jennifer Brown Chinese Summer 2004 An Excerpt from the Shang Han Za Bing Lun Cold Damage Miscellaneous Diseases Bai He Di Huang Tang Lily Bulb and Rehmannia Decoction Page 251 Source Text: Bai He Disease not after treatment strategy of sweating, the disease appears for the first time[1] Bai He Di Huang Tang governs. Bai He Di Huang Tang: Bai He 7 mei Sheng Di Huang Juice 1 sheng, Place the Bai He in water and soak over night, white froth should come out, discard the water, replace with 2 sheng spring water and cook down to 1 sheng, remove the dregs, add Di Huang juice and cook from 1 sheng down to 5 gu, divide and take warm, strike the disease[2] bowel movement normally becomes black[3]. Annotations: [1] The disease appears for the first time: this indicates that the signs and symptoms do not change, according to first line which states Bai He Disease symptoms first appear. [2] Strike the disease: if the herb strength is sufficient, you reach an end when there is an effect, then the left over herbs should not be taken, because the Sheng Di Huang juice has a draining effect. [3] Bowel movement is normally black: once the herbs are taken the color of the bowel movement will change to black. Analysis: This line states the correct treatment method for Bai He Disease. From the first line we know there is heart and lung yin deficiency with internal heat, the pulse is not harmonious and the spirit is clearly confused. Bai He Disease mechanism, if the disease condition generates no other change, response is aimed at the disease mechanism, to nourish yin and clear heat, the formula to use is Bai He Di Huang Tang. In this formula Bai He nourishes the lung yin and clears heat from the heart. Sheng Di benefits the heart ying and clears blood heat, spring water clears water and disinhibits the urine, the spring water used to cook the Bai He, then nourishes yin and clears heat. These two combined with the Sheng Di moisten and nourish the heart and lung, clear heat, cool the blood. As the yin recovers and the heat abates the pulse becomes harmonious indicating recovery. After taking this formula, because Di Huang will come out with the excrement and urine the bowel movement turns black. It is said if you strike the disease the first time you will see an improvement in the symptoms, then you do not have to take a second time, because Di Huang in a large dose is cold, and there is a fear that if you take too much you can injure the yang, giving rise to diarrhea. Clinical experience with this formula shows that for Bai He Disease if you use this formula one time and stop taking it the diseases will return, therefore Zhong Jing says in this situation you should be warned and keep an active watch. In addition, the clinical application of this formula with Gan Mai Da Zao Tang is appropriate joined with other things to nourish the heart and calm the spirit, such as Fu Shen, Long Chi, and He Huan Hua with beautiful results. This formula has some effect post infectious diseases if the residual heat has not been exhausted with good effect. This formula method can also be used to treat the spirit when the disease belongs to the category of heart and lung yin deficiency with internal heat with good effect. Treatment of Senile Dementia with Running Cupping Along Back Shu Points 18 cases New Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine December 1996, Volume 28, #12 Translated by Jennifer Lynn Brown Clinical Data 18 cases in all, 10 male, 8 female, average age 69.4 years; disease course varied from 7 months to five years. This group of patients had all been diagnosed with dementia and since then the signs and symptoms gradually worsened. Within this group 6 cases manifested as apathetic, not oriented to time and space and willful, alternating between silent and soft spoken then loud laughing or crying, CT scans in these cases show the brain has withered; 5 cases where the memory was reduced and thinking was not clear, in these cases the CT scan showed a cerebral infarction; 7 cases balance was compromised, the limbs were without strength, there was urinary incontinence and poor decision making, the CT scan in these cases also showed the brain had withered. Treatment Method First a small amount of oil was applied onto the skin surface and mouth of cup, then one cup was applied to Da Zhui(GV 14), strong pressure was used to pump the air out of the cup so that the inside of the cup absorbed the skin surface, then the body of the cup was moved along the Du Mai back and forth slowly 3 times, retaining the cup on Da Zhui; then another cup was used following the same method, running this cup between the left kidney shu point(UB 23) and Da Zhu(UB 11) slowly 3 times, this cup was retained on the left kidney shu point; then after treating the right side of the body with this method a third cup was retained on the right kidney shu point. A tidal reddening appeared along the du channel and on either side of the spine due to the running cupping. The cups were retained on the above points for 30 minutes, each day, 15 days completed one treatment course. Effect Criteria and Treatment Data The criteria for effectiveness was based on whether or not the following signs and symptoms improved. 1. Short term memory 2. Oriented to time and space 3. Cognitive abilities 4. Judgement 5. Personality 6. Temperament 7. Balance 8. Bladder control Clear effect: 5 of the above signs and symptoms improve; Some Effect: 1-4 of the signs and symptoms improve; No Effect: no change in signs and symptoms. After 9-12 treatment courses 6 cases had a clear effect, 10 cases had some effect and 2 cases showed no improvement. Discussion A modern medical study of Senile Dementia showed that this condition can be caused by the hardening of arteries in the brain, lack of blood or lack of oxygen to the brain which causes brain cells to die and the brain to wither, clinically as this condition gradually worsens the person begins to change as functioning is lost, CT scans show that the primary pathological change in this disease is the withering of the brain. The patients age is a significant factor. Chinese Medicine calls this “Dull Witted” or “Dull Disease”. It says the Kidney essence is not sufficient, the sea of marrow is empty and the brain is not nourished. Kidney governs the storage of jing and generate marrow, the “brain is the sea of marrow”, if the kidney jing qi is full then the marrow gets nourished and only then it is possible for the brain to be the house of light. When the kidney jing qi is insufficient then the marrow is not nourished and if the marrow is not nourished then there is pathological changes and disease. The Su Wen says “Kidney is the origin of strength and skill is found here.” The kidney jing qi governs bone and engenders marrow. If the kidney jing is full a person will have a long life before they become senile and die. Kidney deficiency causes senility thus it is the primary cause of Senile Dementia. Kidney jing is the source of the 5 zang and 6 fu functioning. The Su Wen says “the kidney governs water and of the 5 zang and the 6 fu it stores the jing.” With age comes a gradual decrease in the functioning of the organs, as function decreases kidney deficiency increases. Treatment of Senile Dementia must focus on regulating the kidney’s function so that it does not decrease while simultaneously increasing the functioning of the all the other zang fu organs. This is a disease of the brain whose root is in the kidney but the 5 zang and 6 fu functions can also be exhausted. Using the running cupping method from the 7th cervical vertebra down to the coccyx along the Du Mai, as well as both sides of the foot tai yang Urinary Bladder channel, and afterwards retaining the cups on Da Zhui and both Kidney Shu points treats Senile Dementia. The Urinary Bladder channel contains the 5 zang and 6 fu shu points, these points can regulate the 5 zang and 6 fu physiological functions, harmonize qi and blood and enable the qi mechanism to be free reaching. Water and pure jing engender source qi, jing and marrow are full and flow into the kidney tonifying deficiency engendering marrow. The Du Mai moves up inside the spine and enters the cranium, the back corresponds to the kidney, the kidney engenders marrow and the Du Mai is also related to the brain and marrow, it is for this reason that the two are closely related. Running cupping along the Du Mai therefore nourishes the brain, opens the orifices, calms the spirit and calms worry. The data from this clinical survey is clear, using this treatment brings improvement, creating change and recovers brain function, increases the body’s strength as well as thought, memory, feelings and movement. Five of the cases had high blood pressure and took similar medications to treat this condition, over the course of the treatment their blood pressure decreased and remained stable. This treatment is simple and economic and easy to perform. It is important to grasp good running cupping method to harmonize the points and then any family member can treat the condition. | ||
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